Holiday Gift Guide 2018
Holiday time!! Visions of decked-out trees, predictions of snow, vintage television specials and Rat Pack classics
fill the internet and the airwaves. These are the beloved trappings of our favorite holiday. Chances are, you’re in the throes of gift hunting for all those important folks on your list.
At this point in the season, as you whittle away at the menagerie of friends and relatives on that list, it’s likely you’ve saved the most difficult ones for last. Year after year, you wring your hands, hoping to offer up a delightfully unexpected gift. It’s an unassailable truth — the older we get, the more difficult we are to surprise. Gifts don’t hold the same promise of joy they did as when we were very young.
Time, it seems, is the miserable miser who ruins wonder.
On top of that morbid thought, the rush of the holiday season seams to add just enough pressure to constrict our creative airways, pinching off the supply of new, fresh and fun gift ideas. Well, we at Emillions Art have the solution!
The 2018 Holiday Gift Guide is here!
Take a digital stroll through the pages of our collection of wonderful works and you’ll be convinced — wonder is back! Featuring works from the Emillions Art stable of artists and some new finds, you’ll find a range of exciting, contemporary and classic mediums.
Choose from drawing, enamel, giclée, painting, sculpture and photography. Featuring visionaries such as M.M Ciciovan, Jim Salvati, Lori DuBois, Ricardo Jorge Reis and many others, our 2018 Holiday Gift Guide is sure to present the grand idea you need to put your gift-giving experience over the top.
Order right away to ensure delivery before December 25th.
Don’t agonize over the gifts you’re giving. Lavish love and warm feelings on the ones you care for the most with a selection from the Emillions Art Holiday Gift Guide. Happy giving!